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We're Hiring: Staffroom Frenemy – Professional Morale Manipulator

Location: Right in the middle of any real or possible drama.

Hours: Flexible, mostly around coffee breaks and team meetings.

Salary: Compensation comes in the form of storing up well-kept secrets to use as currency later.

Essential Skills:

Backhanded Compliments: Master the art of delivering compliments that seem genuine but deliver a subtle sting a few minutes later.

Gossip Spreading: Share rumors with the speed of a streaker racing across a football pitch.

Selective Supportiveness: Be present, but only when convenient and if it suits your agenda.

Ideal Candidate:

Insincerely Charming: Possess a smile as trustworthy as a fox guarding the henhouse.🐓

Jealousy Expert: Perfect the craft of subtle envy and the plotting of others' downfalls.

Drama Connoisseur: Stir the pot while maintaining the appearance of innocence and non-involvement.


Morale Manipulation: Keep the office on edge, fostering insecurity.

Conflict Creation: Start fires and watch them burn; drop into meetings, throw metaphorical hand grenades, and retire to a safe distance as chaos unfolds.💥

Social Sabotage: Undermine team spirit, one sly remark at a time.


👉A front-row seat to office dramas.

👉A sense of naughty satisfaction.

👉The thrill of orchestrating mild chaos.

👉Being known by everyone.

How to Apply:

No Need - We Know Who You Are.


The serious bit:

▷ Frenemies can drain your emotional energy and affect your mental health.

▷Genuine relationships are built on trust and mutual support, not competition or jealousy.

▷Removing negative influences allows you to grow and surround yourself with people who genuinely want the best for you.

▷Unmasking a frenemy isn't just about confronting them; it's about understanding the nature of your relationships and ensuring they contribute positively to your life.

▷It’s okay to outgrow relationships that don’t serve your well-being.

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